
When does the american school year begin

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in england its the begining of september,

how does it work in the usa?

and how much holiday to you get and when are they throughout the year?




  1. In southern Georgia the school year begins in five more day's 2nd week in August. I'm counting the days now on one hand LoLx2

  2. thats a difficult question to ask b/c every state has many school districts and inside those school districts different schools have different start dates..some schools in the south start in aug, schools up north september...some schools are year round..which means they are in session like 10 weeks and then out for 3, so not easy to answer...most schools get a summer break, and a break around christmas and a few days around easter...

  3. im assuming this is for grade school to high school... for that it starts the same time about the beginning of September and usually get vacatation for 1-2 weeks in december then February vacation for a week and april vacation for another week and then summer vaca which would be June till about beginning of September. This was before I started homeschooling though : )

  4. Well we have different starting points around each school district. Around me, starts the beginning of August. But different schools have different dates. And we get alot of holidays off such as martin L. King Day, Christmas for a week, Thanksgiving for a week (i'm pretty sure), Veteran's Day,Memorial Day,Washington's Birthday, and a few more, and they all occur at different times of year... Thanksgiving is in november and so is Veteran's Day, Christmas is in December, Martin L. King Day isa in January, Washington's Birthday is in February, and Memorial Day is in May. And we also get a Spring Break for a week.

                                       Hope I Helped!!!!!!!!!!

  5. It begins usually the last week of August or the Wednesday after the first Monday in September.

    It has been a long time since my children have gone to school, so I don't know how many days are for holidays or vacation.

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