
When does the baby turn?

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I had an US last week. I'm 25 weeks pregnant. The Dr. said the baby is in the breech position right now. I was curious as to when they normally turn head down?




  1. Babies can turn at any time during the pregnancy.  There are even reports of babies turning during labor.  What I normally tell my clients is that if baby is still breech by 36-37 weeks, to find a chiropractor that is certified in the Webster Technique and get baby flipped back over.  You can also check out to make sure that you are doing everything you can to get baby flipped and in a good position as the end of your pregnancy nears.

  2. Anytime between now and!  

    My last one was in breech position until 2 days before he was induced.  He was a 9lb 14oz baby and wow! what a feeling that was when he turned becuz he had to go end over end.  I remember seeing the bottom of his foot glide across the front of my was cool but a weird feeling!

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