
When does the bumping start?

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“Sooner or later a false belief bumps up against solid reality, usually on a battlefield.” -- George Orwell

How anyone with an ounce of common sense can argue that global climate change is a myth is getting harder and harder for me to fathom, given all the information on oh so many sites.

3 sites that seem to spell it out well enough:




  1. Orwell also said (in Animal Farm) "Pride grows in the heart of man like lard on a pig".

  2. I get asked that a lot (not on a battlefield).

    That's an ironically appropriate and insightful quote by a guy who died over 50 years ago.  

    Instead of allocating an infantessimal portion of our existing tax money to address it, the Pentagon will use it as an excuse to grab even more of our hard-earned cash.  Over 50% of your income tax goes to the military already.  They want more.

    This report commissioned by the Pentagon says it could start in about 2020, less than 12 years from now:

    "Pentagon officials warn that abrupt climate change over the next 20 years could throw the world into a state of anarchy -- dwarfing the current threat of terrorism.  In this doomsday scenario, large-scale droughts, famine brought on by food shortages and reduced energy supplies could cause riots around the globe that could culminate in nuclear warfare."

    The report wasn't penned by members of the "Chicken Little sky-is-falling crowd" (as Republican leaders like to call global- warming activists), but by Peter Schwartz, former head of planning for Shell Oil and sometime CIA consultant, and Doug Randall of the Global Business Network, a California think tank.

    The U.S. military will start practicing policing U.S. cities this Summer:

    That's right, they're going to simulate deploying our own troops on our own soil, which was banned by the Posse Comitatus Act in 1878 after abuses in the South following the Civil War, but that Act has quietly been eroded in recent years (along with eliminating the need for warrants to conduct surveillance, skipping the inconvenience of a trial and a conviction if you want to jail someone for a few years, and ignoring the international treaties we've signed banning torture).  The Bill of Rights has been gutted, reduced to a sad joke.

    We could conserve a little energy and pay a measly $100 per person per year to completely offset everyone's carbon emissions today, but it's far more profitable for many people in power if they let the issue get a lot worse.

    Here's more detail on where 54% of your federal income tax money goes:

    Are we safe yet?

  3. Global warming is a myth because you have to figure out how they measure temperature.  More than 90% of the temperatures in the US are measured at airports.  With the number of planes exploding in the last 30 years and the larger airports, the heat that is generated is affecting the local measured temperature (as much as an 8-10 degree difference higher than 10 miles away).  Since temperature is the sole basis to describe this warming, it is a poor measure due to the local heat island effect.

    Take a college meteorological course and you'll understand.

  4. Perhaps the false belief you speak of is global warming!? The solid reality is that a group of bureaucratic institutions are trying to sell us a big sh*t sandwich called Anthropogenic Global Warming, and if you question this belief you are hauled off to the glue farm. Hopefully soon we will bump against the solid reality that media exaggerates the result  of AGW.

  5. You want a quote war?

    "Those who have something to sell, those who wish to influence public opinion, those in power, a skeptic might suggest, have a vested interest in discouraging skepticism”

    -Carl Sagan

    "Finding the occasional straw of truth awash in a great ocean of confusion and bamboozle requires intelligence, vigilance, dedication and courage. But if we don't practice these tough habits of thought, we cannot hope to solve the truly serious problems that face us -- and we risk becoming a nation of suckers, up for grabs by the next charlatan who comes along." [Carl Sagan, The Fine Art of Baloney Detection]

    Now I have two and you only have one. I win.

    Good one beelnite....

  6. My Answer is:

    SHAME ON YOU BOB326!!! HOW DARE YOU DEFILE CARL SAGAN by your blatant misuse and disgusting application of his quotations.

    Double shame because you pass yourself off as actually having read Carl.  Oh he is turning in his grave.

    That was very irresponsible for a person who considers themselves a skeptic.

  7. uncle Eric was a genius.

    he knew a lot about human nature, showed it to us from the bottom ('down and out', 'clergyman's daughter' etc), the top (burmese days), and as a disinterested observer (the road to wigan pier). his ideas of perpetual war and 'newspeak' have been right on the money, if rather more subtly expressed ('insurgence', 'terrorism', 'spin') than in 1984.

    he had the right idea, run away to a scottish island. shame it didnt do his t.b. any good.

    Oceana is at war with Eastasia. Oceana has always been at war with Eastasia.

  8. people will continue to believe the lie  because they have ceased from using their own brain years ago and believe every thing their false god (science)tells them. remember Jim Jones and the koolaid? same difference!


    nice map for your collection

  10. I read 1984 in one night.  Couldn't put it down.

    "Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence."

    - Albert Einstein

    What these guys can't fathom is that - they - are the reactionary forces opposed to the new information; not the courageous forces of vigilance.  

    In the US we've been bamboozled by the cornucopian free market capitalists for so long we've forgotten how to think.

    I'm a libertarian right up to the point where you begin to infringe on my right to live in an unpolluted, sustainable world.  The trouble is, you will find, that the "straw of truth awash in a great ocean of confusion" is that

    everything is connected and interdependent.

    So the libertarian ideal that I should be able to do whatever I want whenever I want without interference is a dangerous fallacy.

    We need a third way that incorporates democracy so that all stakeholders can sit at the table, libertarian ideals so that we may be free to pursue our happiness and social controls so that no one (set of stakeholders) can usurp the right to a clean and sustainable world from the rest of us.

    What these guys can't fathom is that it is - they - who are the mediocrities.  Parasites who inject only objections without providing the alternate framework on which to hang their argument.

    “The concentrations of greenhouse gases produced by man has risen significantly during the historical record and it is absolutely known (by reproducible, verifiable lab experiments on the physical properties of these gases) that these gases cause warming by absorbing the outgoing radiation from the earth. The skeptics have not produced any evidence that this rise in the greenhouse gas concentrations occurred by some natural process and they have also failed to explain how all the industrial emissions could have been absorbed by some natural process during the recent historical period.  There is no way to explain the observed greenhouse gas concentrations without human interference, and there is no credible way to claim that the increase in greenhouse gas concentrations has not caused a warming of the Earth’s surface. While there are other natural processes at work and while the climate system is highly complex, trying to discount the role of human involvement in recent climate change is speculation and opinion, not science.” - Asher Siebert.  

    Three to two; who cares.  

    Our civilization is a subset of the environment.  

    If we can't find common ground we all lose and war will be just one of the consequences.

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