
When does the fest end in Germany?

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There is a fest in Germany and it's going on right now. when does it end?




  1. There are numerous fests going on in Germany right now.  Which one do you mean?

    Usually the fest ends at the end of the weekend, but some of them go until the last person passes out.

  2. Which "Fest" and where in Germany pls? Impossible to give an answer without a hint,sorry...

  3. It would even help if you know where it is

  4. There are fests going on all over in Germany right now.  There is one going on where I live, it ends the 7th.  But at any given time you can pretty much always find some sort of fest to go to.  Your question is too broad.

  5. I found for you 13 events in Germany, look at the link in the bottom.


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