
When does the "Tomatina" festival in Spain take place?

by Guest59738  |  earlier

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There are some major festivals in Spain: Pamplonada, Fallas, Feria de Sevilla. The Tomatina is one of them. Where and when does the Tomatina take place?




  1. August 31st in Buñol, Valencia

  2. Between August 22 and Agust 29

  3. It takes place in Buñol which is a town about 45 minutes from Valencia. It usually takes place the last wednesday of the month of August. Its an amazing time. But if you do go, reserve your hotel weeks in advance as we couldnt find room for all 5 of us on the trip. Once there, there's vendors selling food and water proof cameras. One thing we wished we would of bought were goggles, which they also sell there. After its all done, the locals will water you down with their hoses for some money, it wasnt much a couple of euros. I would definitely do it again, it was lots of fun. There was a lot of media also from different parts of the world.

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