
When does the webkinz manatee come into stores?

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When does the webkinz manatee come into stores?




  1. It is officially going to come out in early August

    I ordered one from

    There prices are a little high, but worth paying for.

    They might not come in stores untill, Late August!

  2. there's lots of places online u can buy it, just google search webkinz manatee, hope that helps!

  3. Most places it is going to be out Aughust

    But some places already have them

    Can't wait untill it comes out

    add me in webkinz


  4. it comes out today. if you look in on the newspaper it shows it is available now.

  5. I don't know. I want it to be out now. It is supposed to come out in August but they have it on the homepage of Webkinz so why would they have it on the homepage if it wasn't out?

  6. It's officially going in store on August 1st but for some reason some stores have them. I'd wait until August 1st just to make sure the store you're going to has it. You can also get them on EBay any time. Hope this helps!

  7. Look at these for info : , !!!

    Also I think it is August 1 or 2!

    You also might want to know that it is 8.5 inches long, and they might be comeing out with a eagle, dolphin and chipmunk!

  8. I got it today at  J.C Penny today in Plainfield, Indiana.  It's not supposed to be in stores till August 1.

  9. If it's not out why did they put it on the homepage? Guessing by the page it should problay be out by the middle of August!

    They Are SO cute!


                  Hope I helped!

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