
When does utopia become a reality ?

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When does utopia become a reality ?




  1. When we accept that life is an ideal state of balance, then utopia becomes reality, here & now.

    But of course, this is lofty idealism much like the possibility of utopia.

  2. definitely not after obama becomes president even though some people seem to think so

  3. It will never become a reality. I think Utopia is something that mankind searches for through various means like love, money and whatever but you can never actually get there. I think of achieving Utopia like running up an endless stair case. We want to get to the top but it will never happen. We have got to make the best of this reality that we live in and not try to live in a reality that doesn't exist.

  4. Never. Utopia is just an illusion.

  5. When we know the answer, we'll already be there.

  6. When the Flower of Love Blossoms....and its hypnotizing and intoxicating scent fills us with its Joy.....Utopia cannot Be without is all about Love.......

  7. After the battle of Armageddon!!

  8. Utopia as we all  have dreamed of will stay forever as a dream. It will be in the imagination we set in our minds. Reality is far from happening. All the realities in life is far from what utopia we think to be. It may be thinking negatively but we must face it that indeed utopia will indeed stay as a dream.

    Thanks for asking. Have a great day!

  9. not in this lifetime

  10. well by definition that would be never but i would say when you're in love =D


  11. It has had a long time to do so, and it hasn't. So make the best of reality, which always is, rather than keep hoping for utopia. Ask any woman wanting to get married whether she is willing to wait for ever for the perfect match.

  12. when all politicians are dead.

  13. Utopia is achieved upon gaining mastery of ones will and mind. He who has conquered his mind is able to conquer the world, being materialism and earthly attachment thereby.

    For all doubting Thomases above me, Utopia is a home, a partner who is ones soul mate and confidante, love abounding between all who inhabit and frequent there.

    Utopia is a peace of mind knowing ones economic and spiritual future is secure, bliss in the wonder and kindredness, gained from the company of one’s peers and family, security and a feeling of enduring comfortitude.

    Utopia is an adventure each day, a new learning gained, excitement in the company of one’s fellow beings, and jovial chatter with ones comrades.

    Utopia is a state of mind, then it s an understanding and love for others, leading to a peace amongst all one abides amidst, be it a little quaint backwater village, or a penthouse amongst the heights of urbania.

  14. it will never become a reality unless you believe it to be. utopia is too far from realism to exist

  15. Utopia is achieved when the principle of democracy is best achieved. Some would say when the theory of communism has transpired, where the masses of workers have control of politics and the economy. Realistically, Utopia can exist and does exist as anyone sees it. A rich person in America might think their lot in life is supreme, and it might comparatively be so.

  16. when the world comes to an end

  17. Never. :)

    Here is a fun way to look at it:

    Reality is internal -- it is how we look at the physical external.

    Utopia is virtual -- an impossible ideal we could never understand fully and never recreate physically.

    They exist in totally different dimensions.

  18. it doesn't because when you experience utopia, you lose the meaning of life- what it means to feel loss and grief and love and happiness.

  19. nevers happen as long as money lives. lol...

  20. When you say it is! You will experience it when you choose to. You only see what you want to.

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