
When does your local paper come out?

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Mine is a Wednesday night




  1. Thursday

  2. Wednesday night.

  3. Thursday lunchtime.

  4. Wednesday night here as well.

  5. Thursday morning , or wednesday night if u find a late shop ... it's called the \bridlington Free Press

  6. We get a free one ~ The Fife Leader, on a tuesday and the one we pay for the Gazette on wednesday.

  7. The free paper?

    We get that on a Thursday.

    Edit, we have a local paper which is out every day and the free one is just like a condensed version of the daily one.

    Full of rubbish mostly - and millions of houses for sale.

    We also get the Metro free on the buses.  That's a daily one, which isn't that bad really considering it's free.

    Gawd - I rabbit on don't I - sorry...

  8. Friday lunchtime

  9. wednesday

  10. Daily is the delivery schedule.  As far as "coming out," we are awaiting the event as the paper remains in the closet as of this writing.

  11. Tuesdays and Fridays.

  12. Ours is on wednesday, for all that its worth coz its full of c**p, adverts and houses for sale.

  13. I think every Friday

  14. We have three free local papers one comes out on Tuesday one on Thursday and one on Friday .

  15. Local paper? Which one? lots in a big City.

    5 days a week 3 issues a day for the main local paper,

    Lots of free papers and magazines pushed through the door every week or month. Even the council post out one.

    Sorry am I missing something?

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