
When does your school start

by  |  earlier

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Mine's start August 13 First day of High School




  1. September 22

  2. tomoro....august 1.......!


    kill me.....S.O.S.!

  3. oh .. good luck little one :)

    i have no idea when i start school .. i just go where the wind takes me .

    or when my mum wakes me up and says "go to school" .


  4. unfortunately september 2. it used to be the 4th or 5th. i attend NY schools

  5. My kids start Aug 25th. Wow you only have 2 more weeks of summer break! Enjoy your last weeks while it lasts.

  6. September 3rd 8:55 AM

  7. september 2nd. and aw its your first day of h.s? well, have fun and enjoy it while you can!  

  8. 1. of September

  9. mine starts august 14 woohoo senior year! 2009!

  10. August 27 ^^ yayy.

  11. august 25

  12. September 3rd...

  13. september 2nd

  14. Here in Philippines, we start the classes on June.

    In my school, we have classes since June 4, 2008  

  15. august 18

  16. first wednesday after labor day, always.

    sept 3 this year.

  17. all you lucky people, mines starts August 2, in two days

    either that, or the 13th. one of those

    we start at 7:15 sharp

    also,  i'm taking college classes while i'm in junior high, sooooooo my classes there starts september 1st

  18. Either August 12, 13, or 14.  I forget.

  19. Mine's August 14, yeah were starting on a Thursday, weirddd.


  20. Sept. 3

  21. September 4th. :)

  22. oh wow, you start school early

    i start school on september 3rd  

  23. Sept. 2nd

  24. well we end summer school on August 16 .

    and go back to school .... on emmmm .... September sumthin .

  25. September 2, 2008 8:10 am

  26. septermber 2

  27. I think September 4th.

  28. THE LAST WEEK IN AUGUST!!! :-( I am gonna die!

  29. August,28

  30. 1st september yay

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