
When doing a water change for my goldfish, how long before adding to tank should I add the conditioner?

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One fish has died and the other doesn't look good, I think maybe I added the new water too soon




  1. whatever you do DONT do a full water change. also, it really depends on the conditioner. i just do mine in a moderately far bathroom where i have to walk for thirty seconds with the already dechlorinated water so it mixes be safe just wait a minute or two or do what the container says.

  2. Goldfish are pretty hard to kill.  You must've done something to shock them pretty seriously.  They don't like the chlorine in the water supply out of the tap, and they don't like a drastic temperature change either.  You should only change the water half at a time to reduce the shock to their system by diluting the new water with the old.  

  3. You treat the water before you add it to the tank.

    Tap water is poison.  It needs to be treated before it touches the fish, or it burns them and makes them sick.

    Each goldfish needs 20 gallons all to itself.  So, with 2 you shouldn't have anything smaller than a 40 gallon.  


    Goldfish are messy.  Their p**p and pee will poison them unless they have enough space.

    They breathe differently than tropical fish.  Their gills need space to work properly.

    Don't believe me?

  4. Check the product label.  I'd suggest about a half hour; but then I tend to be absent minded and forget about it for at least that long anyway.

  5. 2 goldfish would need a 30 gallon tank.  I doubt that the water conditioner had anything to do with the death.  More likely poor water conditions in general.  For most conditioners there is no waiting period.


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