
When downloading i go through the motions:run or save box but when its finished it disappears.what can i do?

by  |  earlier

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When downloading i go through the motions:run or save box but when its finished it disappears.what can i do?




  1. Well depends what browser you use to do that I know firefox stores that stuff in the downloads file.

    Little bit more detail like what browser and what are you trying to download may help.

  2. Uncheck the checkbox saying "Close when finished", this will not close the save/run dialog box to close it after downloading.

  3. there is a little box that say something like close this application when finished untick that, that is what it says on mine


  4. Hi,

    Both will work

    By running it: It will install the program for you and ask where you want the files to go (preferably the C: drive).  Sometimes it won't ask you.

    By saving it: It will prompt you to find a folder to save it in, along with the installation file, and you can just install yourself.

  5. when u click the run option , the download is only avialable for seen one time , after click the save box, there is a option comes that where do you wanna save that document just click the deasktopp option cuz its easy to u to find the download item....

    just read slowly when u click the save box option , - ok  

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