
When dream of making one universe Govt. come be true?>?

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this time we are living in age of Slavery of America. the world hight organistion UNo also being dead. so we should make one Universe Govt and make this world happy. and use all resourses for welfare of universe not for war and killing innocent people and destroy other property. So we all who can think and can play role in making new society and making new direction. We must to do one thing in our life to make one universe Govt. where we all being can fullfill our wish to treu for welfare of this universe. lets come and make this universe happy. this is first duties of world.




  1. Never.

  2. one world order.......interesting......US is trying to do that now........not........i thought we had one world order...........i thought we....followed the same rules..........the 10 commandments....but that's just 1 religion.........maybe we could get all the religions together and they could come up with a 12 step program for us all LifeAnonymous . com

  3. That would be a nightmare!  Or should i say nitemear?

  4. Have you ever read the book of revelations? You are making a statement that the antichrist is supposed to enforce and enact. However if you are in no way associated with the faith (not just Christianity, most religions touch on a world order as being the end of the world) than keep your way of thinking. But remember if it worked the world would already have it and there would be only one language and we would all live in a utopian society. The human factor and our free will does not allow for such a society to exist. If you really want a world order than I suggest you really start to practice some faith and pick up a Bible and get to know God before the end of the world. Although the rapture would be welcome the seven years of trials and tribulations would quite literally be h**l on earth.

  5. One world government will only come true if people will disregard religions and ideologies to come up with a single government and economic system.

  6. When h**l freezes over

  7. Gee, socialism and communism have resulted in the deaths of over a billion people on planet Earth.

    Why reinvent the square wheel?  It still doesn't work.

    Dream on.

    and p.s. your anti-Americanism is thinly veiled, doesn't fly

  8. please, no!!! small governments are bad enough. one that huge would be murder, not happiness

  9. hopefully, never.  that would be an insult to our ancestors.  there is no slavery in america.  there is at times inequality, but that comes in ALL races, genders, sexual orientations and religions.  to have a world govt is to lose all compassion, understanding and love of our neighbors.  again, i stress, NEVER!!!

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