
When driving - stopping at a junction.....?

by  |  earlier

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When you have stopped at a junction and you go into first gear then get biting point, when you start to move and turn into the road, should you lift your foot off the clutch very slowly and only a little bit and then when you have turned and straighten up, finish bringing your foot off the clutch, or should you keep bringing your foot off the clutch slowly the whole time you are turning?




  1. It is advisable to take your foot off the clutch pedal gently and smoothly in the shortest time you can without causing the vehicle to jerk or stall.  Lingering with the pedal depressed for too long will burn out your clutch in time.

  2. This would depend on the road you are turning into.

    If its small or with parked cars, control your speed by holding the clutch just above the bite untill you are safe with your position and wheel.

    If its an open road then let it ip smooth all the way, with a little gas, if you pull out by mistake and a car is catching you up fast  

  3. You should you keep bringing your foot off the clutch before you start turning. As you are not in full control of the car while the clutch is engaged.

  4. You should be bringing your foot off the clutch the whole time, otherwise the car will not be properly under your control.

  5. Get into second gear imediately, asap.

    If you had not stopped and were approaching the corner, you should be in the gear you want before turning, as you ought not have your foot on the clutch when the wheels are not straight and inline with the car; However, from a stand still you are not going to lose control pulling away, but you want to be insecond gear as early in the turn as possible.  If you were turning right and therefore crossing a carriageway that would give you long enough to get into second before turning the wheel much at all.

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