
When driving to school/work with learners permit does parent need to be in the car?

by Guest61115  |  earlier

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i live in nevada and since my school is an hours or so away then i just got to drive there 50 times lol




  1. You need a parent in the car.  How did you get to school before

  2. until you have the actual drivers license you have to have a licensed driver with you any time you drive

  3. yes, you need a parents. IF you get pulled over and do not have a licensed driver over the age of 21, you can lsoe the ability to get your license on time and you and your parents will get introuble. Also your permit will get revoked. Follow the law you don't want to get introuble yet.

  4. yes you must have a licensed driver with whenever your driving with a permit

  5. Absolutely a parent needs to be in the car.  In some states, you must have an adult (21 or older) in the car for a period of time AFTER you get your drivers license.  Go to your state website and there should be a link for the drivers license division and the law for your particular state should be listed.

  6. umm..if its only a permit..then yea they should be in car..

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