
When ever i had a slight erection i produce siemen .its too much such that ladi se get bored by such plenty of

by  |  earlier

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every time i produce this it seems women dont like it before s*x.some they even stop playing with my pennis because of too much siemen or lubricant.




  1. this is not s***n.. this is pre-c*m...

    You're having good supply of pre-c*m, which lots of guys will envy you for as it's the best lubricant for intercourse (or even masturbation)...

    I can say that this is normal (it happens to me as well)...

    The taste of it is even better than the s***n, so women should be happy, not to complain...

    Don't listen to them and if they love you, they'll love you as you are...

  2. You are dealing with very, VERY strange women then.  It isn't s***n, its pre-*** -- and you are correct, its a natural lubricant.


  3. It is not s***n but lubricant, which is necessary for intercourse. It appears that you get excited little earlier. If your retention time is short then it is sexual weakness and needs to be corrected. You should contact a doctor. For retention ebooks, oil and pills are available and you may find in your locality also or you may visit website: -

    where you will find ebooks and other products

  4. You're probably one of the luckiest men alive, but unfortunately, you're with all the wrong ladies!

    Now, I can see it being a problem for you if you're out in public, slightly aroused & you're leaking through your trousers, but still...there are so many guys that barely produce anything and wish they could.

  5. You are producing precum and not s***n.Precum is silky clear liquid.Well guys will envy you cause its a natural lubricant and it helps s*x.But I can't say the same for oral s*x.Your woman have to get used to it.I don't know any methods to reduce the production.

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