
When everything is over 4 the day do you feel like having a nervous breakdown?

by  |  earlier

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or just pulling your hair out




  1. I feel like that all day ... and at the end of the day i lay in my bed a cry myself to sleep. More often than not.

  2. Isnt that one and the same? haha

  3. make an hour for yourself at the end of the day - if not an hour, at least a short time for you (even if to plan your escape route back to snaity and even if it takes you 3 months to put 3 coherent thouthrs together!).  If you're overwhelmed speak to your health adviser about support for your needs.  Call in any back up you can muster from relatives/friends/partner to give you that vital hour for you.  It's not selfish to need time, it's absolutely necessary.  Best wishes.

  4. By the time the day is over, I am lucky to have any hair. lol!

    Some days I do, some days I don't. When I put my toddlers to bed, and my babies are napping, I just collapse in a pitiful heap.

    It's an exhausting job being a Mummy.

  5. lol yes every day!

  6. I used to as I had four boys to raise on my own!

    As well as for their own well-being one of the reasons that I had early and fixed bedtimes for them was so that I could take some time to wind down having bathed and got them into bed - and that was when the mending and worrying about the next day started too but at least I had a bit of peace!

  7. what cute kids   a glass of wine helps (just one mind)

  8. Neither - I just have a nice cup of tea (it used to be something stronger but I knocked all that on the head long ago !) - and go to bed ! ! !

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