
When farmers have been facing so many problems and land under agriculture is decreasing..?

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When farmers have been facing so many problems and land under agriculture is decreasing, can we think of alternative employment oppurtunities in the agriculture sector? Please suggest some points.




  1. this is more for aswanthy than an answer first of all throw your text book away farmers do not need more credit no matter what the source what farmers need is a true supply and demand market take the government out of farming thank your government for cheap food prices then thank the oil companies for the increase in food prices i know commodity prices have been at record level highs but so have input cost to grow the commodity so the profit margin is still the same or less because it takes a tremedous amount of money to operate so your credit that farmers need more of is costing more intrest which eats into what little profit there is in farming  

  2. I think that it isn't so much as looking for alternative employment oppurtunities, but making the best of what you have.

    For those that have previously been involved with conventional agriculture, they should consider switching over to an organic or speciality agricultural production system.  Organic products fetch a higher price in the market because they are demanded by those with more available income.  Speciality products -- like odd colored or shaped fruits and vegetables (blue potatoes, pear-shaped tomatoes) or 'unusual' types of meat to the area (llama in the US, buffalo in Asia, etc.) will bring in a better price because of their appeal to customers as being something different.  As these are not 'typcial' items grown in conventional ag, they require more manpower for production.  This balances out with the increase in profit from having the specialty quality with it.

    Another way is to provide educational programs for farmers.  It could be done in one of two ways:  1.) teach the farmers something ag-related to compliment their existing farming practices (bee/honey production with a profit coming from selling the honey and beeswax) or 2.) teach them an entirely new career for jobs that are being developed as part of the urbanization.

    It doesn't matter if it is in India or elsewhere, but this is a problem that is seen everywhere.  It has been seen for a long time in first world countries and it now becoming an issue in developing third world countries.  Unfortunately, there is not a single, clear, wonderful solution.  The only way to overcome this situation is to continually work at it and improve the lives of others at a rate of one person at a time.

  3. When farmers are facing so many problems they will loose their enthusiasm to cultivate more.So land under cultivation is decreasing. Farmers should be provided with institutional and non-institutional source of credit to solve their problems.

  4. If you look back at history, this is a continuous process, in which industrialisation has slowly and slowly driven out agriculture, once the chief occupation of people. Agriculture, though the chief source of food, has always been less paying, and many farmers dream that their child would grow up and do some job and not agriculture.

  5. I think we must start with overview planning and restructuring. There needs to be a blueprint for urbanization in only certain areas with less fertile grounds.

    Besides, for its decrease, certain incentives have to be put in place to entice workforce towards the agricultural sector. It is a shame it is not getting the attention it deserves but more money should go into agricultural research than spatial fantacies... I mean why are we looking to galaxies lightyears away and we can not feed the hungry?

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