
When fighting is it strength or strategy?

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if a scrawny kid fought someone with muscle but the scrawny kid knew Judo or something and the strong kid didn't know anything, who would win?

btw, I'm not planning on fighting anyone. No need for a lecture. Just wondering.




  1. It would depend on how much experience the small kid has and how big the kid is. Someone with a year or two of training in judo or jiu jitsu would have a good chance against someone 50% bigger.

  2. whom ever has more fighting exsperience size or martial arts dont mean squat.

  3. the stronger one would win but it depends on what the martial kid was trained on.

  4. strategy will always win if its good strategy,but it wont if its bad.

  5. it always boils down to the induvisual, i'm sure this scenario has hapened countless times, and its gone both ways... ive seen small guys take down huge guys... and i've seen guys who thought they were well honed martial artists get taken down by a haymaker because they were never taught in their gym or dojo what a streetfight is really like

  6. Watch a UFC fight Kimo vs. Gracie and you will see the answer.

  7. It would depend on a lot of variables, how much experience, how much is the size difference, where is the both are important but experience is a huge factor

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