
When filling in a personal budget sheet to send to creditors do you put down overtime payments?

by Guest59717  |  earlier

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When filling in a personal budget sheet to send to creditors do you put down overtime payments?




  1. Go to the CAB on Monday morning or the next available appointment for professional help.

  2. only if it is guaranteed.

    you need to show how much you can afford.  and if you didnt do the overtime then how would you afford payments that had taken it inot accout.

  3. I agree with previous answers, unless your overtime is 'guaranteed' (in which case is it really 'overtime') I'd say not, you could lose it tomorrow through no fault of your own.

    I'm going on the basis that you can't usually include overtime when applying for credit, so seems a bit harsh to have to include when paying it back.

    Of course if you do get some overtime, there's nothing to stop you using it pay your creditors off a bit earlier.

  4. Only if the overtime payments are regular & consistent week to week.

  5. I would say no, unless your overtime is guaranteed and you work the same amount of overtime every week.

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