
When filling out a credit card application, which address do i put?

by  |  earlier

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I'm about to go to college and it wants to know where to mail the statement and I dont know whether to put my home address or my college one!!!




  1. When I am checking for fraud applications at my job we do a search on addrs/if you put your college addrs and we cant verify it we will try to find a hp that if you want the bill to come to your college addrs use your parents hp and your cell phone as a alternate. we do check both and you will probably get a call to verfy

  2. I would put your address as your parents house. Then, you can make your statements to where you get it via the internet from your bank or wherever so you don't have to get a statement mailed to either location. That is what I do and it has worked out very well!

  3. where do you want to receive the card? In college or at your parents' house? Where you want to receive it, you should put it there. You can always have you address changed later. It takes a week or two for the card to arrive. I assume you will still be at home since college doesn't start till August?

  4. Put your home address. That's where they'll look for you when they do the initial credit check.

    Later, if you get paper bills mailed to you and want them sent to your college address instead of to home, you can file a change of address with the credit card company.

    Have you thought this plan through completely? Are you going to be working while you're at college, and will you be making enough money to keep up with credit card payments and interest? Wouldn't you be better off just putting your money in a checking account and using a debit card?

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