
When filling out a scholarship application?

by Guest58317  |  earlier

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I am going into grade 12, and eligible to apply for a certain scholarship. However, it asks what my future plans are, requesting the exact program/degree name, and the name of the institution you plan on attending. I haven't decided where I'm going to school yet, or the specifics of my degree, so how do I answer the question?




  1. The answer to this question might well depend on the organization that's granting the scholarship, so you should think about this one a bit....

    If the scholarship is just some kind of generic academic potential kind of thing, where the organization simply wants to reward promising young students, then the question is probably nothing more than a "Let's give our applicants an opportunity to demonstrate that they take their education seriously, and that they have big dreams and goals."

    If that's the case, you can probably get away with answering this question by talking about some of the different things that interest you, explaining that you're still investigating your options, etc.

    On the other hand, if the organization that's awarding this particular scholarship is associated with some specific field of endeavor, then the question is more "loaded" - they're looking to reward promising students with a dedicated interest in their field.

    If the ACM (the Association for Computing Machinery) was awarding a scholarship, you can bet that they're looking for students who plan a future in computer engineering. If the American Institute of Architects was behind a scholarship, they'd be trying to assist the great architects of tomorrow, etc.

    Hey - you're the scholarship candidate - you get the picture!

    Good luck!

  2. when is the scholarship due? because by christmas time in 12th grade you should know what schools accepted you and into what programs and then you should choose which one you want to go to.

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