
When flying, do you prefer the window seat, middle seat, or aisle seat?....

by  |  earlier

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  1. I like the aisle seat, because I can get up and move easily. I'm a bit claustrophobic, so being on the aisle helps.

  2. larger people tend to chose the aisle...more leg room and you don't feel cramped...if you are a smaller person...the window seat offers a good view...that can keep you occupied throughout the flight...However the middle seat sucks

  3. window seat because you start to feel sick when you cant see outside  middle seats ok but definitely not aisle coz yu feel like everyones watching yu n yu get claustrophobic

  4. The window seat. Gotta see what is going on.

  5. Aisle, that way you have some place to lean when the fat guy sits next to you.

  6. always the window seat.

  7. window... keeps my brain entertained tryingtothinkwhere we arealsoatnight seing thunder storms

  8. I prefer the window seat darling.

  9. Window, although it sucks if you have to get up for any reason, everyone els has to get up so you can get to the aisle. :)  

  10. You're really asking whether to choose the Window or the Aisle seat.  No one in their right mind wants the middle seat.

    If you think you'll need to get up and pee during the flight, the Aisle is best.  If you want a little extra room, the Aisle is best.

    However, if you want privacy and don't want to be bothered, the Window is best.

  11. window. hands down.

  12. used to be window. I now prefer aisle unless I'm travelling with someone. I like the window at take off and landing especially. Never like middle! For plane seats.

  13. Window.  The aisle seat is a good way to get bumped every time someone goes by.

  14. window.. you always get bumped with the aisle seat.  and the middle just sucks..

  15. window seat all the way!!!

  16. window as you can enjoy the view and you don't get disturb with people going up and down the isle (:

  17. The window or aisle are my favorites =)

  18. Window.  

  19. window

  20. Window. I love to see the the view and lean my head against the window. ;)

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