
When folks from the south listen to all the tv programns including news and entertainment....?

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do they realize that they have a heavy accent and that the main populace talk like people on the news channels and dramas and such, or do they just think theyre in a different country?




  1. Waaal, we don' mine when them folks talks funny. They cain't hep it.

    Actually, one of the great tragedies of the modern world and the impact of television is that too many southern girls sound like they're from California. (And nobody chooses a New York accent, though some pick up the Nebraska accent preferred for news anchors.) The southern belle accent was once a powerful weapon in the hands of our ladies. It could command the attention and labor of any Yankee boy, assuming he was straight.

  2. Not all folks from the south speak like thay have a drawl its the ones who think they are real southerners to speak this way its a form of  speach in the magnolia belt it must be all the sun messing with there heads  however I am from the southern most point of the continental U,S and speak plain english  in my day you have the d**n yankees and the d**n rebels we all have a language  sound and yes i think it is exaggerated speech  for both northerners and southerners

  3. I've had the opportunity to live in almost every region of the states and yes people do notice but I think that the fact remains that everybody knows that other people talk different dependent upon where you are from.  Even the south has different accents and the non-rhetoric used in parts of the deep south particularly Louisiana to Georgia might be compared more closely to the patterns used by New Yorkers than to other Southern accents but that has nothing to do with this question.  Regarding the news, most places get their local news from reporters indigineous to the area.  So Los Angeles is gonna have more reporters talking with the LA accent and North Carolina will have Carolina accents.  As for major shows and dramas, I think there's a pretty big mix of different american regions present on television.  Everything from Seinfeld(New York) to King of the Hill (Texas) to the O.C. Laguna Beach or the hill shows in Cali.  Sure the majority of programs are gonna center around the most populated areas New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Miami so most people will speak in this unified american television voice that seems so unsouthernly but I could say the same about the New Yorkers and Bostoners...Are they from another country?  My answer's no I definately know that they're not thinking they're from another country.

  4. You have been watching too much T.V. and too may movies that overdo the accent of a southerner.They have a tendency to portray the Southerners as dumb and ignorant. But do you realize that we southerners sell drinking water to you yanks?

    How dumb is it to buy water that you can get out of your own taps? Tests have shown that it is the same water!

  5. they realize just how lucky they are that they dont have to put up with that trash in their area.

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