
When for any reason at all have you completely lost your temper at a complete stranger?

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Anywhere and Anytime when have you completely lost your temper at a complete stranger and why for any reason at all.




  1. Yes, I was trying to get my Sky TV sorted out and when I phoned I was speaking to an Indian guy, he couldn't understand me and I  couldn't understand him so I said 'Could you just put me through to someone who can actually speak English'

    I felt terrible and apologised immediately.

    I used to work in a filling station as a student and it was usually the public giving me abuse.

  2. I saw a grown adult 40+ YEAR OLD MAN who was with a group of people go up and kick a pigeon!  I was telling him that it wasn't funny and that he was an asssholle.  He did not respond.. at all.

  3. My wife had some calendars made up with our kids on them. They were adverstised as being for the next year. She came back to the car with ones for the current year. It was already september. She told me the lady had said they weren't doing the ones for next year.

    So i went in and asked for our money back and told her how it was false advertising. She turned nasty and said too bad.

    I lost it and cleared her desk with one sweep and told her i would see her in the carpark.

    Another time me and the wife went to the shops with our 2 year old daughter. My wife was holding her hand and our daughter was walking. The next minute my daughter just dropped and tried to throw herself on the ground cause she didn't want to go in the shop. A woman walked passed and said something to the effect that my wife was going to break my daughters arm. We both lost it at her.

    We ran into her in the shop and she apologised but we lost it again at her.

  4. Only when they deserved it - their behaviour impeded upon me or other people with me. Or, their behaviour was illegal, or immoral - in accordance with local custom.

  5. I didn't go completely ballistic but I do remember an occasion when I had been driving a fair distance and when I reached my destination (a shopping mall) I was desperate for the toilet. I was rushing to get to the toilet and as usual NO ONE moves out of the way.. not even slightly... so I am walking behind a women pushing a shopping cart with her baby in the capsule and every time I moved one way she would move as well, it went on for a good minute.... when you are dying to pee a minute is like a life time.... so I just yelled out..... FOR F*CKS SAKE MOVE OUT OF MY WAY... poor women looked like she was about to pee herself as well.... but I just rushed past and reached the loo and after that I was happy....

    I don't feel bad about what I did... I actually laugh about to this day...

    I was a woman on a mission... that mission was not to wet my pants.

  6. i have, because i am a dumbass, and so is everybody/anybody els that does so.

  7. I did, once, at a grocery store when someone slammed into the back of me with their grocery cart!  It hurt like a M*F*!!!

  8. yes i have with a walmart cashier, My son was buying a toy and tried sticking his $20 bill in the machine (self serve) and the machine wouldn't take the bill, I called over the woman responsible for the machine and she stated she couldn't help me but I could go over to the bank (a lousy bank inside the store) to exchange the money and see if it works.  I told her it was her responsiblity not mine that she should get the change and there's a long line behind me, she just walked away and ignored me, now if it were items I was buying I would have just left them  there and left but my son wanted them so I had to use a credit card to pay for them and I made sure to stop where she was standing and tell her what I thought of her, my kids thought it was funny but I was so angry I wanted to clock her one for being an idiot that didn't care that a customer was having a problem, she just lets them flounder around.  I will never be going back to walmart again

  9. I work at a gas station I have it done to me a lot.  Eventually it gets to you and then you snap.  when that happens you end up sitting at home typing on your computer and jobless.  OOPPSS my bad.....

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