
When gas gets to be $4.00 a gal,will people ride bikes to work?

by  |  earlier

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YES people you can expect this summer,you can thank the oil companies,and goverment.




  1. it's a good thing i own two motorcycles.

    it's looking that way.

  2. No, we'll suck it up and pay the oil prices but other consumer areas will suffer since we'll cut back on other items.

  3. **** its gonna be a ***** in the summer im getting a new 4runner only 16 mpg city(real world will be prob. 11) luckily my work is 2.8 miles away from me, and when i want to hang out with my friends ill just get a ride from them like they did from me for 2 years in high school

    (besides my bike has both tires flat)

    but think of this, if oil is really expensive to get why are Exxon and Shell making so much money??? for the past i think 2 years i been hearing on the news they been making record profits, and our "great" president can do something about it but he has oil rigs

  4. I can't ride my bike 20 miles each way every day no matter how high gas gets. I just don't have enough time and with my luck, some peeved guy who just filled up at $4 a gallon would probably run me over.

    I think this is pretty much reality for most people.

  5. No.

  6. i alredy switched to a yamha r1 i keep my f150 in the garage and only use it to go out

  7. We are now paying R8-50 p\l how you like that. By the way that is more than a $ per litre

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