
When getting a morgage can you use a girlfriend income but not have them actually be on the loan?

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My boyfriends credit is alittle better than mine. we want to get our first home. we want to only use his credit but want to be able to have both of our incomes counts. Is this possible?




  1. In today's loan market...No. If you want his income counted or yours both, then the both of you have to be on the loan and they would have to check both credit reports.

  2. No.  Only income from people who will be liable for the mortgage is counted.  The bank needs to know that they can legally count on your income and have recourse if something happens.  If you are not on the papers, they will have no recourse to your income.

  3. Probably NOT ... It would depend on the mortgage company / bank that you are using ....

    MOST lending institutions need to be able to know that they will get paid ..... and IF your income is counted and down the road, you and your boyfriend split up ..... one of you, most likely would NOT want to pay on the loan anymore ....

    The thing to do is to consult with your lender ......

  4. Get as much resource as you can maybe is one  option,however it could be quite time consuming,here is one resource i have had good experience.

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