
When getting a new computer in the classroom, do schools check the history on the old one before destroying?

by Guest34186  |  earlier

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I am a student that has a bright future and made a mistake by looking at something I shouldn't have on one of those computers! Please help...




  1. I don't think they do. It would cost too much and take too long. They would only do this if they already suspected something.

    But even if they did, unless what you were looking at was illegal you aren't going to have a problem. They would have a hard time knowing it was you anyway if it was a public terminal.

  2. ummmm..... basically they have other people somewhere else monitoring and watching everything you do on the computer....the head people over the school... and whatever they see thats inappropriate they will block it!!

  3. uh oh your in trouble!!!!  Yes they can!

  4. LOL!  .... beware of data on 2nd hand computers... goes without saying really.

  5. Usually they send their old PC's to the FBI who catalogs them and records any data they find.  So, yeah, you're f*****.

  6. I don't think so, it seems like a waste of time of their part. They would have caught you by now, i wouldn't worry, just try not to do it again

  7. No your not in trouble nor will you be. the sites you went to are safe sites and even if they were not there is no way for them to know that you went to them. a computer log does not show who used a site unless you logged in and had to use your password to access a site. schools have blocks that would require you hack into site not available to you. If you would have done that then you would already of been caught and taken care of. try not to worry and do not let others here scare you.

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