
When getting diagnosed with mono...?

by  |  earlier

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I know when you go to the doctor complaining of symptoms of mono the doc will check you out and then take a blood test to confirm you do have the virus. My question is, when you take the blood test will it show up with having marijuana in it if you smoked or is it only a mono test and if it does show up will the doctor report you or probably not? No judgement needed, just wanted to know for this and any other medical testing, do doctors tend to focus on the problem or do they have obligation to report you?




  1. It would depend on what other blood tests they ran with the mono test and how recently you'd smoked.  They might be able to see if you were on something if they ran like, the mono test, a complete blood panel, ect and your system was messed up.  I think they need a specific test to show definitivly that it was pot.

    I dont' think they can report you to the cops (unless you are a danger to yourself or others) but if you're under 16, they can tell your parents.  (Dr - patient privilage doesn't extend to minors).  If they find it, you are probably in for a lecture at least :S

    I'm absolutly not judging you, but if you do have mono, pot is a bad idea.  Mono preys on your body while your immune system is weakened or "run down" (like when you've been overtired, stressed or sick).  Giving your body another chemical to deal with will only prolong the mono.  Just give yourself some time to get better before you.... "indulge in recreational drugs?"

    Hopefully it's just a cold! :)  

  2. While previous drug use may show up in a blood test, the doctor cannot turn you in due to patient-doctor confidentiality.  However, if a doctor suspects that someone else's life may be in danger or your own life may be in danger, they may decide to go with their better judgment and send in an anonymous tip to the local authorities.

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