
When girls giggle at you!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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Yea, you have any idea of what other girls like you say when you giggle and chat quietly with your friend while you're looking at a guy next to you?

Just giggling and whispering with your friend while looking at a guy.

Just curious, happened once today.

Thx in advance.




  1. It could mean alot. It could mean they think your cute, they think your dorky looking, or it could be something totally not involved with you. The world will never kno.

  2. lol u should go for it  

  3. usually i do that when the guy next to me is hot or not so hot...or i find something funny about them that makes me laugh....

    its nothing too deep...and nothing to personal....


    can anyone answer this plz? thanx!;...

  4. Ya you definetly don't want full on laughing but i usually giggle at a guy i like because me and my friend always make jokes about me making really akward hellos/greetings to him. they prob just like you!

  5. it means ur cute and they just wanna get ur attention  

  6. when they're giggling n whispering they're probably just sayin ur hot or cute!! but yeah if they're laughing and pullin weird faces they're bagging u out

  7. they r talking about u porb how cute u r or sumthing like that

  8. they could have been like whisperin how they like you or how hot you are


  9. yeah thats a good sign and it means something is up in the liking matter.

  10. lol aww. were talking about you most likely. were either talking about how big of a dork you are and how you look ridiculous in those shorts, or how cute you are. either way, we're trying to get your attention.

  11. I think they are making fun of you.  I'm a loser and they do this all the time.

  12. Lol,it could mean many diffrent things,like example,me an my friends if she liked someone or w.e. or if i liked this boy i would talk about him infront of him but to my friend quitly and if she said something funny i would giggle and like have my eye on him,although its not like i would go out with him,like you know what i mean,i can like as many guys w.e. but i don't go out with them lol.i keep my distence haahha.

    anyways its either that,of course she likes you,or you never know they could be talking about you but saying something funny about you and just giggling about it.i've also done that before im not mean tho


  13. They are either A) giggle because they like you or think you are cute, or B) were making fun of you in some way.... However, it is more likely that it is option A.

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