
When given a birthday card with money in it, is it rude to count it in front of the giver?

by  |  earlier

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chill out unicorn, geez.




  1. yeahh it is. its rude to everyone at the party & the giver; just leave the envelope unopened until the end of the event.

    if you really cant wait then go to the bathroom or something lol

  2. YES !!

    C'mon Trails !!! LOL


  3. No. As a matter of fact, they should stand there waiting for approval. If it's not in the amount that you wanted, slap them in the face and tell them to, "Try again". This should hopefully work out to your advantage as they will feel terrible about this and fork over some more cash.

  4. Yes, it's rude to count the money in front of the giver.

    You can look at the money and the card + the message inside and say the appropriate thanks.  You can count the money later and then send a written thank you note.  

  5. i think it is  

  6. i wouldnt think so, i do it then say "wow, (amount of money here) dollars! thanks (persons name who gave it to me)" know, i dont think its rude at all.....



  7. No It isn't rude. What is rude is throwing the card away and not bothering to show content towards the sentimental side of the gift. If you show interest in the card and show thanks, then it is okay to count away!

  8. Yes. Read the card, thank them and count it later.  

  9. Yes.  The appropriate thing to do is quickly put the card and money back in the envelop and thank the giver for it with a nice smile.

  10. Hahaha, when I genuinely laughed when I read this question, because I've found myself in this situation several times before.

    I guess it could kind of be considered rude, but discreetly shuffling through the bills is probably fine, and expected. How can you not?

  11. No because every person is giving money for a gift for a reason.  And some like the attention....

  12. Of course it's RUDE! Why would you want to count it anyway?

    It's a GIFT for buck's sake!

  13. I would just say that when you open the card you can say something like.. oh wow that was really nice thanks so much so they know that you acknowledge the money and most people at the party will know anyway that you received money but I deff would not like take out the dollar bills and start counting them there.. I think that would be quite rude Even if it is a check you wouldn't announce the amount they wrote out for you

  14. just dont do it right in their face

  15. Yes, though most people just give one bill so there's not usually anything to count.  I always take the money out, fold it and put it in my pocket (all with one hand and in one smooth motion), while I'm reading and exclaiming over the card.  I don't even always realize I'm doing it, my mom pointed it out.  I had an aunt who would give me money just to see me do it.  But the point is that I thank the person, while paying more attention to the card, so they know that I'm not just about the money.

  16. Some people will care while others won't. Just to be safe, just realize there's money there, and say thanks. If people ask, just say you got money. Count it later while you're alone. The person who gave you the money may or may not be embarrassed by the amount they gave you (whether its a lot or a little). Just say thanks. If you already have done what you wrote in your question, don't sweat it cuz most people don't mind. Just be careful in the future :]

  17. Yes.I would find it very rude.You thank them graciously as a gift is a gift no matter what the amount.  

  18. yea it's kinda rude... unless the giver was so close to u

    help me out too =);...

  19. It depends...if its all single ($1) then yes but if its like $20s then no because they;re giving you some bank and would like you to know how much they gave you...i guess  

  20. Yes and no.

    You want to acknowledge that they gave the money, but you don't want to obviously count it (which gives off the idea that there should be more there, to some people).

    The best thing to do would be to open the card, take out the money, don't count it, and then fold it over in your hand and thank the person generously. In private, count the money and write a thank you note that says something like

    "Dear Grandma, thank you for the $25.00 birthday money! It will really help out when I go to buy _____ for ______ next week. Thanks again! Love, Birthday Boy/Girl".

    Good luck.

  21. I would think so.

    Usually the giver tells me how much money there is.

  22. I think so. I always count it but in an inconspicuous way. I might be rude but I don't want them to know.

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