
When going to Machu Picchu in Peru, is it true that they give you a tea with cocaine in it?

by Guest64916  |  earlier

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They say it's to help with the this true? and if so, what are the effects?




  1. No, its not true.

    They do, however, serve tea with coca leaves. Or you can chew a coca leaf, its helps with the high altitude. Cocaine is chemically extracted from the coca leaf, but there is no tea wit cocaine in it.

  2. the teas are not made with cocaine, they are made with coca leaves. These leaves have wonderful natural medicines that help you with the altitude, and when you are lost, and you have no things to eat, these leaves work as a good nutritious source. The cocaine, is made up of cocaine leaves, with more ingredients, an it is a drug.

    The thing of the altitude means that when you get in high elevations like Machu Picchu, there is less air particles to breath in, so your chest starts to hurt, and it can be really serious if you exercise in high places, the coca leaves, reduce this pain, and you can either chew, or drink in a tea, this coca leaves, but they are very different from the drug, so don't get confused about that.

  3. When I got to Cusco (12000 feet or so) I drank coca tea to help with altitude..  Machu Picchu is at a lower altitude.

    I trekked Ausangate and we were up to 17000 feet..  lots of coca tea and chewed coca leaves...

    you get no buzz from this...a tiny bit on numbness in the mouth...


  4. I loved drinking it, and chewing the coca leaves.  I don't know if it really helps with the altitude.  I just liked doing it, because it is forbidden in the US (we're the free ones, remember).   I don't even know if the buzz is akin to a medium cup of coffee, more like a weak cup of coffee, but still worth drinking.  I liked chewing the leaves, too.  You can buy a big bag for the equivalent of a US quarter.  If you have enough green bits between your teeth, you will fit in really well with the locals.  I liked offering it to my taxi drivers in Cuzco, and to locals in the rural areas of Peru.  You are rarely turned down.  It's a good rapport builder/ice breaker.

  5. It's not cocaine. It's the dry leaves that they put in hot water. It helps with the high altitude. But it's not big's a tea. You can't get high off of it or addicted to it.

    I've heard some people compare it to Mate.

  6. its called mate de cocoa, its not really cocaine, sorry; it does help with the altitude. Like when i went ot machupichu i drank it and it relaxes you, cuz when your driving up mountains, like when you do when going to cuzco you get a symtom called "zorroche" (im not sure thats spelled correctly) but anyways, mate de cocoa helps with the dizzyness.

  7. It's Mate TEa, but it doesn't have cocaine in it

  8. Tea made with the coca leaf?  I believe that they do.

    I think that the effect is similar to caffeine.

  9. No, I went there and its called coca leaves it is used to make cocaine but is not yet!

    I makes people a little crazy!But helps with altitude sickness!

  10. Well they really give you a tea with COCA leafs but not with COCAINE!!!

    Coca leaf is a sacred-medical leaf used by  andean people since always. It has alcaloids and it helpsfor not to feel sick in the higness of the mountains. They give it as tea to tourist but you can also schew it as the locals does. I hav been several times in many towns and villages of the andes and althoug i hate the taste of it, Coca leaf is such a great thing for that! Schew Coca Leaf with others is a social stuff in the andes. Is like when you go out and have a chit chat with frinds drinking a can chit chat schewing coca leaf with people in the Andes.

    They even still make payments to the Earth Godess (Pacha Mama) ith the best 3 Coca MUST TO give them to the Pacha Mama before you start a trekking or climb a mountain. IS a way to show her respect and the spirits living in the mountains will protect you.

    Cocaine is a drug made wuth some chemicals and one of them is a substance that coca leaf has. But you ned to make a combination of chemicals to have this drug. You can schew a ton of coca leafe and the only thing that will happens is that you won't feel your tongue.

  11. I have been to Peru and, yes, they do serve you a beverage that has been steeped with coca leaves. It gives you a buzz about equivalent to a medium cup of coffee. Not the thrill you might think it is.  The four-star hotel where I stayed in Peru served it in their lobby during the morning and early afternoon.  Enjoy your trip (lol).  Guy W.

  12. It´s not cocaine, but coca leaves, or mate de coca, and they are available in every supermarket in Lima (Wong, Metro, Plaza Vea) next to the tea bags. The consumption of mate de coca, as well as chewing the leaves, increases the absorption of oxygen in blood, which helps combat altitude sickness, and has a marked digestive and carminative action.

    Greetings from Peru.!

  13. Mate Tea   pronounced maw-tay T

  14. its harmless like any other tea, and they dont just give it to you, you can request it  at your hotel restaurant  if you want , it might not help at all, you just have to get aclimated to low oxygen at such high altitude, its more psychological

  15. Yes and no.  Not all teas have coca in it.  Peru in general, there will be coca bags and coca leaves available for you to have.  This does help with altitude sickness a lot.  There are no side effects to coca.  I should know, all I drank was coca tea when I was in Peru, and that was for a month!

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