
When greeting the Queen of England?

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Would it be proper to ask what color granny panties she's wearing?




  1. No.

  2. That is rude.

    One question for you:

    What colour granny panties are you wearing grandma?

  3. Oh yes for sure and does she like oral s*x would be next....

  4. yeah i suppose why is she any better than us, we are all jus little humans hee hee

  5. she wears a thong silly. Its a lot of times black with little crowns on it.   Though there are the days she goes natural.

  6. I heard she goes commando most of the time.

  7. She'll probably respond by saying "The colour of your eye when I punch you in the face."

  8. It's better to find out yourself

  9. Only if you do it in an awful fake British accent with an exaggerated curtsy.

  10. Most proper if done in the kings english

  11. With your manners, I wouldn't expect you to greeting the Queen.

  12. I usually refrain, give her a high 5, and assume she has on the canary yellow thong. Then we smoke a dooby, kill a couple pints of bitter and call it a day.

  13. careful of the power panties

  14. ha ha he he no i think not maybe if u said pardon me queen first

  15. Definetly not.

  16. I just say "good morning,mom."

  17. I think I'd be much more comfortable never even thinking about her underwear...ever

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