
When guys say things do they mean it?

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When girls want comfort their female friends will say things to make them feel better. But do male friends do the same for girls, or would they just come out and say it?




  1. it depends...but most guys are more straight forward (some are the opposite, which is really d**n hard to read)

    girls tend to follow their feelings and sometimes we don't even know what the h**l is going on

  2. Depends

  3. I mean what i said i never go back on my word

  4. This is a secret garden ;)

  5. Us men folk lie all the time, to males and females, its in our DNA. We lie to women mainly to get s*x. We lie to other men for bragging rights or a job.

  6. I think you'll find that girls are probably more sensitive towards other people's feelings. One of the things that separates girls from boys is that girls tend to be more emotional and talk about their feelings more. Guys tend to be less sensitive and more analytical about things.

    Think about it this way. If a kid falls off his bike and scrapes his knee, Mom tries to sooth the pain. You've probably heard the expression "kiss it and make it better". She will hold the child and tell him it will be all right.

    If that same kid goes to Dad most probably he'll hear something like " were you riding that bike without both hands on the handlebars? I've told you a hundred times this would happen!"

    God made women to be nurturers and men to be disciplinarians. That's just the way it is.

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