
When harsh words, come out of your mouth, anger from your heart, "does your conscience still talk to you" ?

by  |  earlier

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I would have thought this to be posted in RS but it went here to MD, still applies though!




  1. Yeah, but it tends to be a little late.

  2. Quite honestly, my conscience says things to me that make me feel worse than any words any person could ever say to me.

    I am not the kind of person who releases harsh words easily, so when I do I am being truthful, not spiteful or hurtful. It is the kind of truth that I have been pretending not to know for much too long and I know that I am accountable. If I had spoken up earlier, anger never would have become rage and I never would have spoken so...but I did...

    So what can I learn about myself today that will serve me tomorrow?

    I find this to be a really good question. I hope it helps you too.

  3. Yup. I always think, "I definitely should not say this."...and then I say it anyways.

  4. It is very rare that harsh words leave my mouth or my hands (my wife is deaf so we communicate in sign).

    My mom said I have the patience of Job (from the bible)....I know better (I'm not so patient but I hide my impatience well).

  5. My Conscience nags at me thts's for sure!

  6. Your conscience does talk to you but if you ignore it and do not change it becomes calloused an no longer speaks to you. So listen to it and heed it's advice.

    I wish you well.

  7. of course it does, that´s why you realize that what you´ve said is wrong and probably shouldn´t have said anything. Our concious is always on the alert, but we still make mistakes. Our concious works together with our instincts which tell us, don´t don´t do it.

  8. i am always calm, so if i say something harsh, then it was well deserved from whomever was at the receiving end  

  9. its rare that my mouth gets a head of my brain about what i say. sometimes it does... and i generally feel like a complete idiot for opening my trap. my conscience generally forgives me after i have had a good chewing of a leathery shoe.

  10. Yes.  In the heat of an argument when I am really angry, my conscience tells me not to go too far.  I haven't always been like this but I have learnt it's better to watch myself and what I say, then to say something horrible and feel bad and need to apologise later.

  11. mine screams. especially when i yell at my son.

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