
When has the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry published Any research in a peer reviewed science journal?

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The Parapsychological Association

as many other affiliates of the American Association for the Advancement of Science

is the professional organization for people working in the science of parapsychology.

As is typical of other professional organizations the PA present relative research at their own conferences and publish in relevant peer reviewed science journals.

Anyone believing that all subjects are relevant to every AAAS general conference and that submissions not relevant to the theme of the conference would be accepted has either never been involved in a scientific publication or presentation or is being deceptive.




  1. I am no expert on the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry, but after reviewing their website, I cannot see any signs that any of the members of this organization have published research in peer reviewed science journals.  Most of what I have found is criticism on different topics that have nearly all been published either in a publication specifically developed for skeptics, or in books that focus on skeptical philosophy.

    If there are any members of this organization that have published research for review, I would also be interested in knowing about it.  Thanks for the question!

  2. They never have!  I have never seen a journal article authored by "Committee for Skeptical Inquiry".  Touche', my good man!


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