This question is for everyone who might have been somehow blocked from replying to it the first time it was asked. I think maybe we should make a habit of this, just so people don't get confused when no skeptics actually reply to the question.
As far as I can see, the answer is that committees don't publish papers - people do. And among the current and past fellows of CSI are Richard Wiseman (psychologist), Richard Dawkins (evolutionary biologist), Murray Gell-Mann (physicist and Nobel Prize winner), David Morrison (NASA physicist), John Allen Paulos (mathematician), Steven Pinker (cognitive scientist), Neil deGrasse Tyson (astronomer), Steven Wineburg (physicist), Francis Crick (biologist), Stephen J. Gould (palentologist), and Carl Sagan (astronomer). Does anyone really think not a single one of these scientists is published? Because they would be wrong.
What do you think this questions was supposed to mean?