
When have you used your martial arts in a street/public setting?

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True stories please.




  1. I use my martial arts everyday, it depends on what capacity though.




    I'll start with physically, because I know that is what you are looking for:

    Not too long ago, a friend and I were leaving a sushi bar.  Before we left though, there were two drunk guys from Australia there (heavy accents).  My friend accidentally bumped into one, and off they went cursing us up and down for it.

    Anyways, we didn't want to fight so we backed down and paid our bill and left.  As we were walking to our car, we heard them following us from behind and calling us ...well, let's just say another word for kitty.

    Not wanting to go to jail, we kept walking...but they followed until they were right up on us.  So my friend turned and told them to back off but of course they didn't.  We even warned them that we trained MMA and did not want to get invovled in a fight.

    Over the ensuing 2 minutes, my freind and I received a grand total of one punch to the face.  They however, did not fare so well.  My buddy actually broke one of the guy's nose.  One did manage to get onto his back during the fight, but I quickly removed him and allowed him to kiss the concrete.

    My personal favorite part of the fight was when my friend was trying to throw the guy by a grip on his sweatshirt hood...the guy lost his balance and started to fall in my direction face first.  I caught his head on the way down and landed a knee to his forehead as he was coming was vicious.

    The security guards came and took them away in the end (people vouched for us).

    So all in all, it was a good night. :)

  2. not much.

    but i like to show off my flexibility by stretching to tie my shoes.

    or picking things up without bending my knees.

    when i'm riding the bus, i do not sit so i could stand on the isle, look at everybody and grasp the handle bars and show my muscles.

  3. Of course. The only way to truly hone combat abilities is to fight without rules in real environments.

    I try to get a fight going every week. So far I am undefeated in at least 200 street fights.

  4. I use it every day. I have physicly used it one time, however I use the mental awareness, the self control, and the treating people with respect, and the discipline every single day.

    Edit- retroact please get real ok? If you had that many fights you would be typing on the computer in jail or prison, especially if you started them.

  5. Not the fighting part. Never..... thats how safe my country is.

  6. I  use it all the time. I karate chop my food, and kick open doors. I use tai sabaki to aviod bumping into people in the streets, and use dim mak on roaches.

    Seriously, I use it all the time. Fighting, well I try not to fight anymore, but in the past I've used it several times.

  7. Because I practice a sword style, I can't just go out and start doing some Battojutsu, but I do some sword stance's to evade people or not to bump into them.

    I also used my experience to make a movie for one of my friends.

    But when I do go out, I just grab a stick and do a move or two.

  8. I;ve used my no-belt in BJJ against an oppoenent in an open fight.  I finished him w/ a triangle?  

  9. I use it walking home at night when gangs of young thugs like to intimidate. I usually give them a warning first then batter a few before they run off. Not every night. Maybe once a week.

  10. I was doing the wax on / wax off technique not too long ago on  a public street............ My car looks shiny now :)

  11. I had a random guy approach my ex-girlfriend at the time, we were getting out of the car and I saw him walking with some other guys and he just comes behind her and grabs her butt. He turned around and tried to run away, but as he started running, he tripped over the curb and I jumped on him. I then realized how strong he was as he flipped me over onto my back and from their, instinct kicked in, and when I came back around, I was still on my back, my legs wrapped around his chest and I had guillotine choked him until he was passed out. My GF was screamin' "let him go," and hittin' me and his friends had abandoned him. After he woke back up, he apologized and said that his friends dared him to do it.  

  12. I am often invited to this Chinatown, Oakland Salvation Army to do wushu demonstrations during special events and holidays. Just earlier this year instead of holding our performances indoors, we held everything outdoors. It was fun, but doing wushu on the concrete is not fun at all. I am so glad I didn't wear my silk uniform that day.

    Other than that, the only time I ever use my wushu in a public setting is when people ask me to show them certain moves on demand.

    I'm wise enough to avoid getting myself in situations where I have to fight people. That is what Master Sulan Wang, my teacher, has taught me. And that is by far the most valuable lesson she's taught me. So actually, I bring that lesson with me indoors and outdoors. =]

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