
When having multiple sclerosis which nerve cell filters are being attacked by the process?

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  1. This is slightly off-topic, but I thought I'd mention that a lot of research is being done with oral-tolerance therapy for MS.

    The idea is that foreign proteins are allowed to pass into the body through one avenue: the digestive system.  Everytime you eat a turkey sandwich you are introducing a foreign protein.

    Oral-Tolerance is, essentially, cloning samples of the nerve cells that are being attacked in a patients body, and introducing them ORALLY into the patient's digestive system.  The patient's immune system then identifies them as proteins that came through an "acceptable channel" and should not be attacked.

    Seems to be looking good.....



  2. I am not sure. The vagus nerve?


  4. I believe it attacks the myelin sheath around the nerves causing them to misfire or preventing them from sending or recieving.

  5. Multiple sclerosis attacks neurons, the cells of the brain and spinal cord that carry information, create thought and perception, and allow the brain to control the body. Surrounding and protecting these neurons is a layer of fat, called myelin, which helps neurons carry electrical signals. MS causes gradual destruction of myelin (demyelination) in patches throughout the brain and/or spinal cord. Myelin not only protects nerve fibers, but makes their job possible. When myelin or the nerve fiber is destroyed or damaged, the ability of the nerves to conduct electrical impulses to and from the brain is disrupted, and this produces the various symptoms of MS.

    The name multiple sclerosis refers to the multiple scars (or scleroses) on the myelin sheaths. MS results from attacks by an individual's immune system on his or her own nervous system, and it is therefore categorized as an autoimmune disease.

  6. All above ansers should give you the information you need.

  7. When an injury occurs, the immune system mobilizes white blood cells and other factors that rid the body of any foreign proteins such as viruses.  Blood cells that gather at the injured site cause the area to become inflamed. People that do not have MS do not have the problems of chronic persistence of red blood cells surrounding the site, it is regulated.  However in MS patients the process continues, and damages tissues surrounding the inflamed area.

    There are two types of white blood cells that are known as the primary infection fighting units of the immune system- lymphocyte and leukocytes.  There are two types of lymphocytes, helper T-cells and helper B-cells.  When a foreign protein enters the body, also known as an antigen, the lymphocytes attack the antigen and destroy it.  However, in MS the lymphocytes mistake myelin for the protein and attacks and destroy it as if it were an antigen.  People with MS have large amounts of helper T and helper B-cells along their myelin within the CNS.  A substance that has been under much investigation recently by researchers is myelin proteolipid protein, which comprises about half of the protein of myelin and may be a primary target for helper T-cells.  In addition, for people with chronic-progressive MS, there is a shortage of suppressor T-cells that normally would restrict the helper t-cells that attack the myelin in MS. Also, because of the loss of myelin, T-cell attack may lead to axon destruction.

  8. Nerve fibers are like electric wires. The conductor, represented by  the axon, is inside; whereas the insulator covering, represented by the myelin sheath, is wrapping up the current conducting axons on the outside.

    The ionic current flow within the axons gets leaky when the myelin sheath's integrity is lost (may be due to an auto-immune insult) and demyelinating diseases result. Multiple sclerosis is one of them. Eyes, bowel and bladder, among many others are affected.

    You may check this link to have an idea how cell voltages and currents develop.
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