what does it mean?
that he never has had a gf and your his first crush and doesnt want to make himself look like an idiot or say something stupid. so says nothing.
has had bad experiences in the past with his relationships, maybe getting turned down, rship problems etc.
or something that he does to girls that he doesnt want to admit to, like controlling, rebelling, playing around etc.\
or even getting into a relationship scares him or something like that.
because every time i mention other girls he either wants to ignore what im saying and change the topic, or he will make up what he is saying. sometimes saying he has had 1 gf sometimes none.
so what does this mean? is he hiding or is this common in guys?
another thing is that he is from overseas so i was concerned if we did get into anything i'd b at risk, because i wouldn't know if he had a gf or if he is a player etc.
so i just kind of wanted to ask him but he doesnt seem to want to talk about it.
help thx