
When hernit crabs get to big for their sheels they get new ones, but were do the new ones come from?

by Guest62473  |  earlier

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When hernit crabs get to big for their sheels they get new ones, but were do the new ones come from?




  1. welll, they find a new one lying around on the beach that another crab has left .. then they keep growing so need a ne one.

    this is why it is bad to leave coke cans and stuff lying around on beaches .. the crabs think its a great huge home! :)

  2. i think this person is asking about the origin of such shells

    mostly snails.

  3. well, if the hermit crab is your pet then you supply the shells for it. in the wild(yes, they do live in the wild) they get shells from hermit crabs who moved out of their shells. it's a whole cycle. small hermit crab moves into a bigger shell, the hermit crab from the shell moves into a bigger one, the hermit crab from that one moves into a bigger one, and so on and so on, until it ends as the biggest hermit crab dying instead of moving. or it might be a small hermit crab moving into a dead hermit crab's shell.

  4. do you mean hermit and shells

    if so they come from a pet store

  5. They go find one.But if they are the hermits that u keep in your home u have to buy them a shell r they will die.

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