
When/how do you figured out what you want to do with your life??

by Guest55959  |  earlier

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I am 15 and going into 11th grade and I am not sure what kind of a job I want when I get older or what I want to go to college for. I know I am still young and I don't have to decide yet but I want to do everything LOL and I will be set on something for a while and then I will change my mind. These are some of the things I am thinking about having a career in:



Childcare (like a daycare..)


Some kind of artist

I mean how do I decide what I really want to do?? When will I decide what I really want to do?? Thanks!!




  1. I'm 41,been to college got a degree,when i came out,no one would hire me in that field,and then i put out my app's state wide,then nationwide,still nothing,even after 5 years,nothing came up,now i'm too old to go into my field.t seems like i've done just about every job out there,security,janitorial,retail,cooking... driving etc,only one job really appealed to me and i was in that profession for 11 years,but it became a pain,to this day i still dont know what interest's me,all i know is that my ideal workplace would be a place where i come in,have my own space to work in,dont get bothered by anyone,get dont with my job,go home,no politic's or favortism in the workplace,or sexism,or racism,that is what i would like,all for about 40,000 dollars a year.Some people go thru their entire lives not really knowing what they would like to do.

  2. Well I would suggest getting some job experience, I know that might be hard since you're 15, and can't work for another year.

    I'm 16 and I thought I wanted to be a chef, but I wasn't sure if I could do it. So I got a summer job in a busy restaurant. It was a lot of hard work. Standing for hours straight, being constantly working and thinking, being in a very tense environment where you just have to get used to things been thrown and people shouting at you. But I loved every minute of it, and that's how I decided what I wanted to do. If you're thinking of going into cooking I would really recommend working in a kitchen first before you decide.

    Same goes for the rest of your choices, getting a feel for the work you'll do and not just the learning will help you decide. Try to talk to people who already have these jobs, see what advice they can give you. And of course speak to an adviser at your school.

    But don't worry too much about it right now, because you still have a couple of years to decide. Some people still don't know what they want to do in the 20's and 30's.

    Hope this helped, and good luck!

  3. I don't believe there is a specific time in your life when you decide what you want to do.  If money is important to you, Fashion is the only occupation you where you have a good chance of making a decent living.  I am not saying you can't make money in the other suggestions you made, but they are very difficult paths.  Go to college, and follow a path of general studies.  You will be exposed to a number of different disciplines, and may find out what you are good at.  After your first or second year, you can declare a major and follow the path that you choose.  Do what you are good at.  If you don't think you can make a living at cooking, photography, or art, they are all great hobbies.  I am very passionate about cooking, but I am good at business.  So cooking is a hobby, and I make money running businesses.

    Good Luck!  

  4. you're so anxious to grow up. But its good to have ambition and a goal in mind. Over time you will eventually narrow down your list, you know its the right one when you have this passion for it and being in that job makes you happy or fulfilled.

  5. Don't worry about it right now. I'm in college and majoring in psychology and I'm still not sure if i want to do that. When u  get to college u can always change your major. So there is no need 2 rush. Good Luck

  6. im 30, have been doing computer stuff professionally for nearly a decade. I still dunno what i want to do, just do whats fun :)

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