
When & how will the world end?

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When & how will the world end?




  1. April 26,2019 a comet will hit Earth and bye bye everybody

  2. next sunday and its all your fault it will end because you ask to many stupid questions.

  3. When Barak Obama becomes President he will begin the process of collecting white babies for sacrifice at the waxing of the third moon of Zul. Then his secret pact with the Galactus can be fulfilled and the blue men of Hrunta will be allowed to reduce our cities to rubble, burn our forests to ash and colonize the barren waste with their hideous spawn.

  4. Well. NO ONE knows the "EXACT" day and hour that the world will come to an end .... However; there is MUCH speculation about what is going to happen in the year 2012 .

    Ok, This is my take on the situation from several years of research / Study on this matter ....

    It is believed that December 21st 2012 will be the End of The World "AS We Know It" .... NOT the "End of the World" , period .....

    My Thoughts:

    Ok ... The Mayan Calendar ends on Dec. 21, 2012 . Then in their writtings ; we find that they say that the" World as we know it" will cease to be on Dec. 21st 2012 .... and that we will enter a new cycle on the earth plane...

    Now, Nostradamus, who knew nothing about the Mayans ... also says that the Earth as we know it will cease to be on Dec. 21st 2012 ........

    We also have to take into account the Predictions of the "Wizzard" Merlin (No; he was not a myth) ... he has made some very accurate predictions for the future ...

    Next; read the I Ching ... it too , says that 2012 will be the end of times as known today .....

    There were predictions made in the 1600's by a "Mother Shipton" thru a English Writter, Richard Head . Many though that Richard was just doing Post Dictions or writing that "Mother Shipton" had predicted something AFTER it occurred ...However; we now find MANY of the "Mother Shipton" predictions for furure events were and are VERY accurate ...... so we have to give creedence to them ...

    We also have the Hoppi Native American Indian Tribes in the American Southwest ..... their tales and stories carry predictions of events that will happen in the year 2012 ; that could spell the end of the world as we know it .. or going into the 5th world cycle .....

    Look at the Book of revelations written by John in the Bible . Study what it says , and we "Could" be in thet era now .. as the end of time as we know it draws near ....

    Then; we go to the Bible Code .. which says that the "Beginning of the End of the World as we Know it begins on March 12, 2012" ....

    ALL of these sources have been VERY accurate in their prophicies Predictions to date .... Taken seperately ; I would NOT put too much store into what it says .... However; SEVERAL seperate sources ... at Different Times in the History of the World,are saying the same/similar thing .... It has to be given SOME SERIOUS THOUGHT and CONSIDERATION .

    MY Thoughts: That the 3rd World War will begin on March 12, 2012 ... since it will be a necular /atomic war signals the end of the world as we know it NOTHING can be the same after a full fledged atomic war ....... Then; On Dec. 21st 2012 ; the war ends .... the world now has to start fresh to rebuild what has been destroyed there will probably be NO cell Towers, No Electricity , No Gas or Fuel ... Low Water supplies ... etc ... Food ?. ....... OR:

    Will another giant Asteroid or Many Giant Asteroids like the

    one that hit Siberia in 1904 that destroyed a 1,000 mile radius and killed 100's of people begin propelling the Earth ?

    Just THINK of the destruction and cahos .... and; Scientist and the World governments are already worried about this occurance and how to prevent it ... IF they can .... as they feel it is destined to occur ....

    We can't just stick our collective heads up our butts and ignor how serious this could be or actually IS already .. Time is running out and what are YOU doing ?

  5. no one knows and its better for us to wait and see what happens.instead of stressing out on it i was like that for a while then i tottally started on focusing on my children.we need to spend more time with our love ones before any thing else

  6. i think the world will end in 100 years or so because of all the global warming and pollution here

  7. You will feel a bit of pain.  Your vision will become clouded and you will feel very dizzy and disoriented.  You will close your eyes as you begin to feel cold.  In the darkness behind your eyelids, you will briefly experience fear, even terror.  You will not be able to sense where you are, you will not feel or move any part of your body.  You will find in the immensity of the darkness a place of light, at first very dim, but growing ever brighter as you focus your attention on it to see what it is.  It will appear to be light shining into a long dark tunnel, and you will walk toward it to escape from the fear in the darkness.  About now it will come to you, although it happened some time ago, perhaps when you closed your eyes.  The world has ended and is no more.  There is only you and your fear of this darkness, only you and your hope in the light that you approach with ever greater urgency.

    Consciousness continues on well after the senses have been torn away and taken the world and the body with them.  Go into the light.

    Bran th' Blessed

  8. "Not with a bang, but a whimper."  T. S. Eliot

    "With a gourdful of ashes" - Book of Hopi

    With fire, not water (Christian Bible)

    when - no man knows (Christian Bible)

  9. When the sun blow up and we all are crispy critters.  We probably have a couple billion years so get ready.  Blessed be.

  10. god will come down and take all the christians that belevie he is the savior :)

    i listened in sunday school hahah lol

  11. When? Don't know.

    How? "Not with a bang, but a whimper." T.S.Elliot.

  12. January 2009.. when Obama will probably be heading to the white house.  That will for sure be the end of the world.

  13. What do you mean by world?  The earth?  Humanity?  The universe?  How big or small do you want to get.

    The earth as we know it is dramatically changing everyday leading me to believe the world (planet earth) is in for a vast makeover in the next 5 years.  End of the world?  No.  End of the world as we currently know it?  Yes.  

    I think it will get better.  It can't get much worse.

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