
When humans evolve again, when will it be and what will change ?

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When humans evolve again, when will it be and what will change ?




  1. well, people adapt so it depends what happens. if the world floods, we might grow gills if ice age, we would grow lots more hair,  etc. probably our adaption would be global warming so we would shed

  2. Evolution occurs when times are tough. That is where natural selection comes in.[ex: Birds with long beaks that can open seeds will survive, and pass on trait. Birds with short beaks will not survive and will not pass on that trait] In the case of humans, with today's access to social systems, food banks and health care, natural selection is not really an issue. It doesn't really matter weather your arms are long and able to reach fruit these days, which may have helped the cave man to survive and evolve because our fruit is easy to access as well as most things in today's society.

  3. Evolution isn't real. Scientist have even admitted it! Here is the link to my just asked question, it has points to why it isn't real;...

  4. it will be next Tuesday and we will all grow our second heads

  5. When we realize that our heavenly father is our creator, that we didn't evolve out of sludge( how ridculous!) People would rather believe just about ANYTHING than the truth.

    God so loved the world that He gave his only son that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.

    John 3:16

    (The Bible)

    best selling book in all history!

    We will "evolve" or be transformed into spiritual beings just like Jesus is now, and the angels in heaven, If we believe in our hearts, and confess with our mouth that Jesus is the risen son of God. And we accept his forgiveness by repenting of our sins.

    He is faithful and just to forgive ALL sins!

    1st John 1:9

    Psalm 145:17 The Lord is righteous in all his ways and loving toward all he has made.

  6. Evolution is not an occasional or periodic thing, it's continuous.  Even today we can see changes in gene frequency for things like brain development, lactose tolerance, eye color, disease resistance, etc...  See here:

    "Study finds humans still evolving, and quickly"

    As for what what the major changes to the human species there will be in the long term, it's very hard to say.  I suppose we'll be a bit taller, but other than that I'm reluctant to guess.


    We didn't evolve from monkeys, and evolution doesn't say there there should be "half-monkies" [sic.], so you clearly don't know what you're talking about.  Also, evolution is based on strong objective evidence, so it is not based on faith at all, and it certainly isn't a religion.  Science supports evolution entirely.  (That isn't a science book you're using as a source, it's the Bible.)


    You think it's ridiculous that we evolved out of "sludge" (something science doesn't actually claim), but you don't think it's ridiculous that we were made from dirt by a magic being that came from nowhere???  I do agree that some "[p]eople would rather believe just about ANYTHING [other] than the truth."  But what you fail to realize is that _you're_ one of those people.  You're afraid that evolution contradicts your religion, despite the fact that so many other religious people have no trouble accepting both.  See this statement, endorsed by 11,000+ members of clergy, SUPPORTING evolution:

    Keira, Lorluvbug, & Mason, please, your understanding of evolution and abiogenesis is totally wrong, so all you're doing is attacking a straw man, a false caricature of reality.  Please study the science of evolution and abiogenesis on a science website so you can at least argue against them based on what science really says, rather than the nonsense falsely attributed to them on creationist websites.

  7. it'll happen when all the races merge into one.

  8. We are continuously evolving, if you notice now days Humans don't need 28 teeth, then some of us are not growing the last teeth, that normally grows when you are eighteen.

    I am not a scientific, but I think anything that we don't use is going to disappear or getting small (like noise, or some fingers). unfortunately that is a process that takes thousand of years and we are not going to be able to see many of them.

  9. of course we evolved!!!! how can you say we haven't?  so just all other animals evolved but we didn't, that does not make sense.  i think we'll evolve as the world is changing, to adapt to this hotter weather, and whatever else the earth throws at us.  i know the movie waterworld is VERY far fetched, but remember the part where he had the gills? he adapted to his surroundings.  so, its a slow process, a looong process! =)

  10. We never evolved. Look these things up before you see charts of half-monkies and believe it.

    Give me a low rating all you want. It doesn't make me wrong. Evolution is a faith, a religion, not a science. Science does not support evolution at all.

  11. humans are constantly evolving.  every time there is a change in gene frequency in a population, or mutation, or immigration of new members into a society, evolution is occurring.  the human evolution you are referring to happened over millions of years, and it's easier to see an accumulation of changes than individual changes that are presently occurring.

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