
When hunting wolves from a helicopter, what kind of gun would you shoot it with?

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I was reading on wiki that you shoot wolves at 70-80kmph so you can't use a sniper right? Maybe like a burst fire gun like a BR or something.




  1. M60 machine gun.

  2. most hunting like this is need to contact your game warden and find out the laws on this hunting style.

    -----------retired texas deputy sheriff-----------

  3. If memory serves, this is mainly done in Alaska. I'd imagine this is mainly done from fairly close range with 12 gauge (or larger) shotguns, probably using buckshot. You could probably use a rifle, but the odds of hitting a running wolf from a moving helicopter (or bush plane) with a rifle seem pretty low to me.

  4. Here is a video of aerial shooting of wolves.

    You will note the rifle used.

    Small bush planes can stay airborne at speeds as low as 30 miles per hour under certain weather conditions. A chopper can of course hover or go very slow. A wolf can run up to 45 mph so either means of aircraft will work. Going 80 mph would pass the wolf and not allow a shot.

    I would use a semi-auto rifle shooting 7.62x39 with hollow points or soft tips. A brass catcher would be a good plan to prevent hot empty casing flying all over the cockpit.

    I an an Alaskan and live in South East Alaska.

  5. a water gun

  6. 308  with either iron sights  or a 4x scope

    Also I would want a semi auto for ease of operation while hanging out of a helicopter and depending on the number of kills on the quota a hi cap magazine

    With practice a large lensed 4x scope is the fastest sight you will ever use

    I would recommend a much larger gun for giants hovering over us

    But then we are human with the ability to reason

    That's why we are top of the food chain in the real world

  7. Use a .50 caliber air-cooled machine gun on a gyro mount, preferably with a fire rate of around 650 rounds per minute. Tracer rounds will help you hone in on the wolf, and be sure you take out any pups that might be running with the pack. Carry a backup RPG or a couple of frag grenades to be sure no traces of hair or entrails remain.

    Good shooting.

  8. evo741hp is correct except that when wolves begin to get hungry, there will be some that wander to the cities; It seems that cities have a strong smell of food.

    It is not uncommon for a wolf to kill livestock, hens, and even small dogs and cats. It has never been proven, but there are stories from the true wilderness that a hungry or older hurt wolf will attack smaller stature people and children.

    I have never hunted from a chopper, but it is done, and not an outlandish idea.

    That said, I guess in the absence of a turret mounted GE MINI gun, a .predator rifle would do just fine.  

  9. Settle down cry babies. Yes in many cases there is a need to hunt wolves by helicopter. Wolves are intelligent pack animals and hunters can have a hard time keeping populations under control. If you dont already know what happens when a population booms.. then you have no reason to open your mouths.

    Let me paint a picture for the uneducated. Wolves become overpopulated and eat up all the prey.. wolves starve and become infected with diseases.. wolves population crashes and prey animals populations boom without predators.. prey animals eat up all the forage.. prey animals begin to starve and become infected with diseases.. wolves populations boom due to easy prey.

    Its a horrible and unhealthy cycle and the diseases that spread throughout the forest can destroy entire populations. With proper culling.. all of this death by starvation and disease can be avoided.

    If your in a helicopter you can hover.. I wouldnt take a shot at anything if I was going 70-80mph.

  10. Personally I would choose an M2 BMG or the 7.62 mini-gun, but hey if it's good enough for killing water buffalo and VC in viet nam its go to be OK for wolves!

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