
When i'm older i want to live abroad, but as i'm useless at learning new languages how would i make a living?

by  |  earlier

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I live in the UK and want to live in spain, but i've been studying german for the past 5 years and haven't picked any of it up.

I know i'll be even worse with spanish, i was just as rubbish with french too.

I want to be a tattoo artist but i'd compromise this if it meant getting to live my dream in spain... would there be no work out there for only english speaking people who don't speak spanish?

i wouldn't mind having a really cheap house so long as it was near the beach and i'd spend very little money, but would i still not be able to afford it?





  1. It is a fantasy you are desribing I'm afraid. Cheasp houses by the beach don't exist.

    What you need to do is go there work and find out what it is really like.

  2. it is enough mostly for first that you know english and you can learn other languages with time when you spend more and more in other country !

  3. Well, first, Spain isn't so cheap.  

    Second, if you live in the country and try, you will pick up the language.  No one is going to be there grading your every error, and the people in Spain LOVE when you try and will help you along.

    Third, there are huge beach communities that are almost entirely populated with Brits, so you wouldn't even HAVE to know Spanish, but you could work your way into it, with some classes, and lots of people to practice with (just exit the expat community and enter REAL Spain).

    Knowing or not knowing German isn't even an issue.  There are German expat communities, too, but you should be able to find a spot, on the edge of a British neighborhood, where you can ease your way into it.  

    DON'T be one of those people who just settles into the expat community and stays amongst other Brits.  You need to get out, learn the people, and culture and language, and you'll fit in and enjoy the move more.

    One caveat:  economy is pretty bad right now.  Take some time to plan this thing out, make sure you can find work, and THEN, when the economy begins to lift, you might make the move.  Right now, you probably will find a house, but not the job.  Without both, you're still sunk.  Also, I hear the red tape can be daunting.  Make sure you understand the retirement fund and health insurance regulations, so that you can fit into those, as well.

  4. o.O

    nah don't worry(if you plan on moving to spain)

    A) spanish is a pretty easy language(especially for english speakers)

    B) you will definitely pick up all you need to know whille living day-to-

        day life in a foreign speaking country

    your problem may be that you think studying a language is the most important thing, but it's not. it is important tho, but the best thing to do is learn some basics, then go chill with spanish people all the time. and don't let them speak english. when you don't understand, ask them to clarify IN SPANISH. in my experience it's the fastest way to learn.

    PS- if you want to live around a bunch of hispanic people, you can always move to the US, but first save some pounds so you can benefit from that *almost* 2x exchange rate ^_^

  5. There's a gigantic difference between learning a language in a classroom, and picking it up naturally when you're in the country. A big, big difference. You pick it up a lot faster and easier when you're surrounded by it.

    I doubt you're useless at languages - I thought I was too, when I studied my first language. Now I'm an Italian major in college and starting to learn Mandarin. You probably just haven't yet found the way to learn a foreign language that works for you.

    As for finding a job, you realize how "in demand" native English speakers are, yes? I doubt they'd care if you spoke Spanish - they'd hire you just to be able to talk to their companies in England and the US. But if you want to be a tattoo artist, I'm sure that would be fine as well. Tattooing is an art, not a communication skill, so it should be fine; I'm sure you can just have the person draw pictures to communicate what they want.

    Beach-front property... now that's not something I know anything about. ;)

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