
When i am going to get married again?

by  |  earlier

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can anybody tellme when i am going to marry again and what qualities is my husband is going to have and where i am going to stay within india or abroad my name is Sunitha and DOB is 12-08-1981, but i dont know time of birth place is Hyderabad,India , so,please help me out. and i want to know for whom i am praying whether i am going to marry him or not ?




  1. Bless your heart.

  2. For 12-08-1981 Your Sign comes as LEO, Hence here is the prediction for you regarding Romantic possibilities, social relationships, etc in 2008:

    This is not the right year for indulging in your romantic fantasies. Tone down the flashier side of your personality as there is a risk of you being the subject of unsavoury gossips. You should strive to move with dignity in social settings avoiding noisy celebrations, promiscuous petting behaviour with members of opposite gender, and overindulgence in food/ drinks - all of which might land you in controversies. Personal relationships could also be slightly stormy this year.

  3. You expect total strangers to tell you when and who you are going to marry? Seriously?

  4. U need to contact an Marriage broker then an astrologer soon :)

  5. He is going to be a farmer and you will marry on the 3rd July 2010. you will remain in your home country and have 4 children.

  6. married again, it means u r already taken this type of LADDU.

    but why u want to do it again?

    r u nt seen good for ur hubby, he want to live as secure and live free. but marriage made him restirct.

    anyways consult to simplymarry or bharatmatrimonial .com

  7. well...about if I also tell you this week's winning lottery numbers ?

  8. Get real... who the h**l up here can determine who or when you will get married...... such nonsense.

  9. He is going to be strong with 2 horns on either side of his head, 2 horns on his nose, a hump on his back, and a tail that ends like an arrow - you could marry him even tomorrow!!

  10. Your time of birth will enable one to prepare your horoscope which will tell the placement of planets which are affecting you, I presume that you had already been married ? If married what were the reasons of its dissolution ?  

  11. I think you need a psychic site and not yahoo.

  12. After death

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