
When i beat my meat nothing comes out but clear liquid whats happening?

by  |  earlier

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When i beat my meat nothing comes out but clear liquid whats happening?




  1. that's suppose to happen......called s***n.....happens to me every night when i pound the salami....

  2. you need to go to full ejaculation. You are only getting precum fluids

  3. thats what we call sperm and we use this to make babies  

  4. maybe your not producing sperm yet. maybe thats just urine.  

  5. youre dying

  6. ummmmm that's whats supposed to happen.  are you concerned that its not white?  the color and consistency can vary.  are you new to this?

  7. That is supposed to come out, but your body hasn't fully developed yet; therefore, later on when you m********e again and ejaculate, it will become white instead of clear.

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