
When i bought my beta fish, a lady in the store said i should buy a snail.?

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She said to wait a week or two before getting it because the snail would eat its p**p. but if you had to clean the tank after a while there would be no more p**p for a while so wouldn't the snail die?




  1. i highly doubt any aquarium animal eats p**p

    snails will eat algae

    most snails especially apple/mystery snails need to be supplemented with fish food and fresh veges    

  2. Snails do not eat p**p.  Snails do not eat extra fish food.

    Snails eat green algae.

    You usually don't really need one with a betta, but if you end up having an excess of algae, a snail is the best route.

    Petsmart sells mystery snails which are not supposed to reproduce on their own, which would be ideal for a betta bowl.

    If you do end up getting a snail, definately supplement his diet with algae wafers, or even a small piece of zuchinni.

    Don't get a filter for the tank, since bettas much prefer calm water.  Simply change the water about once a week, which will take care of any waste or excess food in the water.

  3. The snails can't survive on waste alone (actually I have two and the p**p just dissolves. The snails will eat the algae off the tank and the extra food.) They need to be fed algae wafers (half an algae wafer will last around 3-5 days for two snails). Plus fish love to nibble on them. I would recommend getting a snail. Less hassle in cleaning the tank.

  4. the lady at the pet store was smoking something snails would eat excess food and algae

    and is not needed for your betta if your betta is in a bowl rather than getting a snail save your money and get it a tank with a filter and heater  

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