
When i connect my speaker of 300wats with a amp of 1,600 why does it goes off?

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  1. your speaker is wired wrong. idk what kind of speaker you have? how many ohms or anything else.also a 1600 watt amp is a little to much for 1 300 watt speaker this site should help you out wire the speaker to the highest ohm load you can,that should solve your problem

  2. Well it could b a couple reason(s) why.

    I would first check to make sure the pos.-pos. and the neg.-neg. are connected right. If so I would check the speaker wire to see if your not grounding the speaker and the amp goes into protect. If the speaker is grounding out somewhere or is wired wrong it could cause your amp to go into protect mode which shuts the amp off automatically.

  3. your amp is way overrated for the speaker.

    a 300w speaker should be run by a 300w amp.

    the amp could be turning off for a few reasons.


    as your speaker is only 300w it causes a bottle neck so to speak as 1600w goes rushing towards it and so trips it into protection mode.

    bad earth.

    the earth cauld be not good enoghy as the amp trys to draw the power to move the speaker it has to expell the power but if your earth is bad it will trip out rather than damaging itself.

    check your earth point (i always run mine directly to the batter to stop this problem ever occouring)

    your speaker could be wired wrong ie - to + which could trip the amp.

  4. you should make your question a bit clearer but i assume you're asking why your amp turns off???

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