
When i cook, the burner is level to my belly, and its really really hot, can this heat harm the fetus?

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When i cook, the burner is level to my belly, and its really really hot, can this heat harm the fetus?




  1. Standing by something hot is not enough to transfer the heat inside and warm the amniotic fluid to the point that baby's temperature would rise. Impossible.

    The only way heat can affect a developing fetus is if your entire core body temperature is raised, which is why pregnant women are not supposed to spend time in hot tubs. A warm stove will not generate enough heat to heat your whole body.

  2. That happens to me too!! I just make sure that I only stand close for a few minutes. The second my belly starts to feel realllly warm or hot, I just back off for a little while and then start cooking again. Extreme heat isn't good for the baby. I just keep a close eye on my belly and when it feels to warm, i step to the side for a minute!

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